Fitness Revolution

Fitness Revolution

Fitness Revolution Parafed Waikato gives you the chance to make change with our free Fitness Revolution programme. Whether you are already into sport and want to get some extra training, or are just ready to try something new, this is the programme for you! Designed...
Cycling and Handcycling

Cycling and Handcycling

Cycling and Handcycling Cycling and Handcycling are popular sports with many Parafed Waikato members. Both social and competitive cycling gets you out and about enjoying the roads and cycleways all around our region. Parafed has some bikes which are loaned out to...


Goalball Goalball is the only true hand/ear coordination game in the world. Invented in the 1940s to help in the rehabilitation of soldiers blinded in the Second World War, Goalball is now a Paralympic sport that is played in over 100 countries around the world. It is...


Boccia The game is similar to bowls, where an athlete must try to get their leather balls as close to the jack, or target ball, as possible from a seated position. Throwing, kicking or the use of an assistive device can propel the ball onto the wooden court. Get...
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