Wheelchair Basketball

Wheelchair Basketball is played similar to that of able-bodied basketball

The court is the same size and hoops are the same height. For every two pushes the player must bounce or pass the ball.

Wheelchair Basketball in the Waikato is available for everyone to play, able-bodied included.

We have regular competitions both within the Waikato and against our Auckland rivals.

Players, volunteers and anyone interested in the sport are welcome to join Parafed Waikato Wheelchair Basketball.

Get Involved

For more information e-mail Chris Harvey –  [email protected]


To see the pathway from beginner to elite click here

Training Times

6-8pm on Mondays at The Peak – 60 Kimbrae Drive, Rototuna North, Hamilton 3281


Our Parafed Waikato athletes compete in the following Wheelchair Basketball competitions:

  • Social league
  • Interclub 
  • Northern League 
  • Waikato representative team (North Island and National Championships)